Month: May 2018

Spring Gardeners Sale

Spring Gardeners Sale

Early preparations made for a very enjoyable and successful Chester Gardeners Sale on Saturday May 26th.

Members and vendors were well prepared and ready for the annual influx of annual shoppers.

Coffee and a variety of home made muffins, gardening related books and products were a welcome addition to all the plants on a warm, pleasant spring morning.

Many annual attendees could be seen looking for plants that are old favourites, new or unusual.

Hello’s to old and new friends and gardeners, questions being answered, or discussions made the morning a big success for all who participated or attended this annual event.

Flower Show Challenge

Flower Show Challenge


Chester Garden Club’s  Flower Show  “ Lest We Forget” A Floral Tribute will be held the 26th of July at the Chester Legion Hall. 

Expectations are high for those who participate in our annual, well attended, flower show. For several years, Myra has encouraged and helped us all to enter. The syllabus (entry guide) often has included a new design that we have received instruction and guidance from Myra. 


The parallel and the crescent designs have been included in the past two years and this years guide has included a “Duo Design”.

On Monday, May 21st, at our regular meeting time Myra, with two/four beautiful examples explained this newest challenge and again expressed her support and encouragement.

A Duo Design: ( A two sided design in one container or appearing to be in one container. Each side is different from the other and each is exhibited in a separate class)for example: “ Spring/Fall”, “ Night/Day


Thoughts are on plantings to have colours not only for our gardens but also for our flower show designs.

Check out Chester Garden Clubs annual plant sale at the old train Station, Hwy #3 Chester, this coming Saturday, May 26th , 9am until noon.

Oh Deer, Oh Deer, Oh Deer,

Oh Deer, Oh Deer, Oh Deer,

contributed by: Jayne C.

All wed, watered and fertilized waiting for the deer.

Our gardens in Upper Blandford have been ravaged over the years with deer. We just get them looking the way they should and the deer arrive at the salad bar. I plant things they don’t like but they appear to be attracted by everything. We do protect a small portion of the garden with an electric fence but it is not really a deterrent just a nuisance for them so they walk up the road and up the driveway.

Our veggie garden is not in yet but last year we pulled out what was remaining mid August.

Tried many of the commercial and homemade deer repellents. This year we are planting marigolds in many of the gardens. I understand they do not like the colour or the smell. I personally do not like the flower but will try anything to keep them out.

We have also dissolved Irish Spring in a five gallon container and spray it on daily. One bar goes a long way after it has been soaking for a few days. Dilute and use a sprayer or watering can. I am not selective. I sprinkle everything except edibles.

Hoping for the best again this year. It looks lovely right now, fingers crossed.

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