Bloom Day North – October

Bloom Day North – October

Another month has passed and we are again observing the “Bloom Day North” tradition of showing photos taken in local gardens on the 15th of each month. The photos posted today were sent in by regular contributor, Sandy D, who took her camera out on the eve of Bloom Day, thus avoiding the difficulties of photographing her garden in the teeth of today’s raging wind and rainstorm.

As is often the case, the day before the storm was clear and sunny. At a spot overlooking the ocean near Chester, a silver lace vine has sprawled over adjacent shrubbery to claim the territory as its own.

This patch of Colchicum (autumn croccus) seen above was started as a few bulbs several years ago and has increased in size each year. The roses in the photo below are part of the Explorer series; this plant is a David Thompson that has been blooming continually since July.

The Montauk daisies (below) were planted only last month. They are naturally late bloomers and Sandy has high hopes for a good showing in future years.

Another relatively new addition to her garden is the hydrangea shown below. It is a Cityline Vienna and has been in bloom since early July.

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