Category: Community Service

Our 2019 Flower Show

Our 2019 Flower Show

IMGP9547As I said in the previous blog post, we were given an inspirational send off as July 22nd week took Chester Garden club and community members to their own and to friends gardens assessing and gathering for the much anticipated annual flower show. Each year our members and community participants have this opportunity to display and view examples of the many beautiful flowers grown in our area.

“The Islands Of Mahone Bay”

This years Theme for our Flower Show and Tea

If you were one of the more than 170 who attended on July 25th, you know just how much there was to take in. The late wet spring had many organizers and participants concerned.

Welcome… click on any picture in a group for a slide show.

20190725_110445The judge and clerks have the first view:

And then the guests:



However, as soon as guests walked in, the georgeous display showed off the available garden gifts and the many talents found in our community.



Many hands are always needed to ensure a smooth day. Pre – planning is a must. Our Vice President and convener Esther ensures this event is on track. She is always seen with her notes. There are bookings to be made, the show schedule to design, the tags and signage to procure, not to mention all those needed to help with set up, kitchen help and donations, serving tea, welcome and ticket sales at door and more.

Every entry was a winner in someone’s eye. The judge, president and guests all have opinions. Trophies are awarded. And this year’s winners are:



The Dudley Lees Trophy: Best in Show – Sheila



Chester Garden Club Trophy: Popular Choice – Joanne Jellett



The Johnson Cup: Best Annual Sweet Peas in Class 5 – Sylvia


The Dena Hennigar Memorial Trophy: Best Wildflower Design in class 54 – Sidney


The MacAlpine Trophy: Best childrens entry (age 9 to 16) awarded to Danika who was not present. Passed president Mrs Peggy McAlpine’s friend reminded all that Chester Garden Club holds a special place for Mrs. McAlpine.


The Rose Barkhouse Painting: Best use of Roses in Section D – Sidney

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The F.C. Winfrey Memorial Trophy: Best Specimen in Section A&B- Anita

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The Ruby Pulsiver Award: Best indoor plant in section C – Sheila


The President’s Award: Members only in Class 49 – Joanne



Janet Piers Awatd: Best design incorporating water in class 50 – Myra


The Wilkins Cup: Best Childrens Entry (age 8 & under) Rylan


The McNeill Trophy: Novice Best in Show – Isabel




Thanks to all.

Pictures: Kay, Brian & Brenda

Happy New Year

Happy New Year


Chester Garden Club has been one of the gems of community involvement for over 75 years. We are always welcoming new members, both women and men, to participate in a variety of interesting activities during the season, which runs from March to December. A review of most of last years monthly educational topics and activities are here on our blog.

In addition to this educational component, our club supports numerous community beautification projects in our area. These events are a time for all hands on deck and also a time for great camaraderie.

Joining our garden club is simple and inexpensive and membership opens the doors to explore a wide range of common interests with other gardeners; having access to educational programs, growing food and flowers for personal use and sharing, participating in service projects to help beautify our community, promoting environmental stewardship, practising artistic design in floral arranging and simply having fun.

A great reward at a modest price! Why not join us at a meeting in the spring. Remember, gardeners rest in the knowledge that all will awaken in time…

Check out the site pages at the top of the of blog posts

… and visit our new Facebook page:

Happy New Year and all the best plantings for 2019 from all of us at Chester Garden Club.



Sylvia & Duncan

As I hung our wreaths this year, I wondered about family and friends also creating, bringing out family heirlooms or purchasing wreaths to decorate and hang both inside and out. Why this is so important to all at this time of year ? Is it a family tradition we continue? Is it connected to our spiritual beliefs ? Perhaps, for many, it is both.


The beautiful Christmas Wreaths in our community hold personal meaning for those who take special care to display them. Many are simply done of greenery like pine and fir, adorned with a bow. Others have individual artistic qualities, and are made of materials like grapevine, berries and simply or lavishly created and decorated.



Common to them all is the circular shape , an emblem not only of perfection and unity but also symbolizes connection, joy and love.


Whether lovingly handmade from natural materials, passed down or store-bought and cherished through the years, our wreaths communicate a sense of joy and a desire for family & community support and peace.




Sylvia,   Sheila,   Janye,   Jeanne,   Jane,   Myra,   Betty Lou,   Linda,  Dorothy,  Sandy,  &  Brenda

“Hanging of the Green”

“Hanging of the Green”

The Chester Garden Club’s traditional “hanging of the green” took place on a cold and windy November 24th when about 15 garden club friends gathered at the village bandstand.

New members were welcomed to the decoration crew who weathered the sudden drop in temperatures and enjoyed this years holiday decorating. With guidance from those more experienced, volunteers fastened evergreen boughs and strands of coloured lights to its railings, accomplishing the annual bandstand seasonal greening in record time.


Within an hour, tools were put away and the whole crowd retreated to Heather’s to warm up with mulled wine, homemade soup and goodies.

The following pictures show our collective achievement and enjoyment. 


All done…

20181124 Myra's

The Warm Up…



The Nova Scotia Association of Garden Clubs is an organization made up of Garden Clubs, Horticultural Societies, and Speciality Plant Societies from 7 districts across Nova Scotia. Chester Garden Club is one of seven clubs in District 6, the south shore. Each year, one club in each district takes a turn and hosts a meeting, inviting members of all clubs in the district to attend.

On October 13th , two members from our club were among 25 guests of Liverpool Garden Club. In a warm, friendly, relaxed atmosphere we were welcomed and enjoyed and challenged by two excellent presentations.



Speaker Emily Liot’s topic was Composting. Her passion is Red Wigglers. – Vermi-culture.



Mary Lou White spoke passionately about the needs in Nova Scotia regarding Food Security. She described the issues and her support and work building and encouraging Community Gardens, providing education and giving families hope for more in the future than food banks.



IMGP8183Door prizes included garden produce and other gardening related items.











Following a delicious lunch we were encouraged to visit Cosby’s Garden Centre and take a walk through the fall foliage to view the incredible work of Nova Scotia sculptor, Ivan Higgins.



Thanks to Liverpool Garden Club we had fun,we learned and we were challenged to create and also to support ways to make a difference for others in our communities and province.



The more often we see the things around us, even the beautiful and wonderful things, the more they tend to become invisible to us. That is why we often take for granted the beauty of this world: the sunshine, the rain, the flowers & garden produce, the trees, the animals & birds, even those we love. Because we see things so often, we see them less and less.

Several garden club members and gardening friends have shared pictures and thoughts of garden gifts in the fall; a reminder to all to STOP, LOOK, LISTEN, SMELL, TOUCH, TASTE AND SHARE.

Jayne: “Love this time of year”


Jane Campbell 8th generation family farm image2

The 8th generation Campbell property today with a bounty of freshness.


Sheila: “AJ researched for the  Flower Show Victory Garden and her design later produced these wonderful Cucamelons and Peppers”


Carol:“Yum! My first cantaloupe ever and some squash.”



Myra and a neighbours 20180915_135142

Myra: “Red from my neighbour’s garden and yellow from my garden.” 


Brenda:”A collection for our favourite fall variety of dishes: cucumbers and cream, relish, jams, soups and others. 


Sheila Soestmeyer

Sheila: “I was inspired to forage for mushrooms at our September meeting. Pizza tonight”


 Shirley: “You can’t eat these but they are lovely” – Jane “Yummy Bundle” – Myra: “My Pickerel Frog”

Lets remember to give thanks

For food in a world where many walk in hunger

For faith in a world where many walk in fear

For friends in a world where many walk alone


Click on any picture for a slide show

Flower Show Challenge

Flower Show Challenge


Chester Garden Club’s  Flower Show  “ Lest We Forget” A Floral Tribute will be held the 26th of July at the Chester Legion Hall. 

Expectations are high for those who participate in our annual, well attended, flower show. For several years, Myra has encouraged and helped us all to enter. The syllabus (entry guide) often has included a new design that we have received instruction and guidance from Myra. 


The parallel and the crescent designs have been included in the past two years and this years guide has included a “Duo Design”.

On Monday, May 21st, at our regular meeting time Myra, with two/four beautiful examples explained this newest challenge and again expressed her support and encouragement.

A Duo Design: ( A two sided design in one container or appearing to be in one container. Each side is different from the other and each is exhibited in a separate class)for example: “ Spring/Fall”, “ Night/Day


Thoughts are on plantings to have colours not only for our gardens but also for our flower show designs.

Check out Chester Garden Clubs annual plant sale at the old train Station, Hwy #3 Chester, this coming Saturday, May 26th , 9am until noon.

Spring Clean Up

Spring Clean Up

Chester Garden Club cares for two community gardens, the Cove Garden and the Parade Square Garden. Because gardens gradually overgrow their spaces , decisions for changes are made.

Today members gathered to work on the plan to re-design the Chester Parade Square Garden. Shrubs and perennials have been either pruned or removed.

A new garden path has been installed for better garden access and viewing. The new plan implementation will continue throughout the sping season.


click on any picture for slide show:


Following the volunteer gardening work event, lunch and a social gathering was enjoyed at Sylvia’s.


Thanks to everyone.

Are you Winter-Weary ?

Are you Winter-Weary ?


In March the winter-weary world begins to awaken from its long rest. Now the remnants of winter are washed away by what is often to referred to as the “tides of March”.



In every pond, lake, river and stream, the water that was frozen a month ago begins to thaw and flow again. In our gardens frost rises to the surface and the earth ooses underfoot. In every tree and shrub, that vital fluid known as sap begins to rise, and as a result, buds begin to swell. We don’t see or hear sap rising but it’s there. In small plant growth or a towering tree, leaves, color and syrup are being produced.


It is a time of observation, preparation and anticipation as we look forward to another gardening season.

For our garden club, March is also a time to end our winter break and begin regular meetings. Watch for news under the categories: Current Activities, Annual Gardeners Sale, & Annual Flower Show and Tea. There will be many opportunities to learn, support and participate, enjoying varied garden club activities.



Happy Holiday Season from Chester Garden Club

Happy Holiday Season from Chester Garden Club


Chester garden club members and guests gather the third Monday each month and begin each meeting with a speaker or activity of interest. Our November, 2017 meeting included the later with early preparation of festive seasonal arrangements for the holiday. Each member provided enough materials for themselves and some to share. The tables overflowed with beautiful greenery and complementary decorations. Amidst the conversation, advice and laughter, working together and helping each other make choices, we all completed our arrangement to take home or gift to another. There were some that were donated to the seniors at Shoreham Village, a welcome addition to the seasonal decorations for our community senior residents.

Click on any picture for slide show:



A week later, Chester Garden Club’s participation in annual Village Christmas decorations, the bandstand received it’s yearly dressing up with greenery and lights.

November 27th 2017 image1 (2)


Bringing our 2017 garden club year to a close, and with excellent weather, our annual Pot Luck Supper was again held at Chandler Cove. Thanks, especially to Kay and Sheila and the set up crew. In beautifully decorated surroundings, members and guests enjoyed each others company, conversations and were treated to a scrumptious variety of tasty dishes.

Click on picture for slide show.



Warm wishes to all for a Holiday Season filled with Peace, Contentment, Love & Laughter.

We are looking forward to welcoming old and new gardener members to Chester Garden Club in 2018.