Storms Bring Challenges & Blessings
Gardeners everywhere are sometimes challenged and other times blessed by what nature and the environment delivers.
The South shore of Nova Scotia experienced an intense storm on January 4th that left not only coastal damage but also what many refer to as “ Gardeners Gold”. As we were in “Storm watch Mode”, I thought of all the seaweed that would be torn, tossed and piled on our shorelines.
In May 2017, Betsy and Bob from Bear Cove Resources explained the Storm-cast process and production of an excellent, odour free fertilizer/soil conditioner to use in our gardens and on our indoor plants.
The following are a few shots of the ocean and coastline the day following the storm. The piles of “Storm-Cast Seaweed Mix” along the coast was impressive as were the pounding seas that created the impressive views and results.
Gardens that receive a gift of seaweed compost will flourish this coming gardening season.
Click on picture for slide show: