Chester Garden Club Cleans Up!
In the summer, Chester’s Parade Square is one of the village’s many attractive focal points, and the gardens are a particular point of pride for the Chester Garden Club. Recently, members of the Club were observed, hard at work, clearing away winter’s debris and preparing the beds for the spring and summer flowering plants.
The small but stalwart group spent several hours weeding and pruning, both at the Cove Garden and the Parade Square area on May 4th. This annual spring clean-up of Chester’s open garden spaces, which are maintained by the Garden Club, took a little longer than usual this year because of a smaller turnout of volunteers. With fewer members on the job, the weeders found they had to return the following week to finish off the work.
As one of the aims of the Garden Club is to add to the beautification of Chester, the members who volunteer their time to maintain the public garden spaces are doing so in the spirit of community.
Of course, there are also a few perks that go along with the job . In addition to benefiting from the healthy activity and the general camaraderie, the volunteers always finish up with a delicious lunch and lots of conversation on a wide range of topics. Following which, those who aren’t exhausted by their morning’s efforts depart to tackle similar chores at home.
A Reminder to members: Growing (and Cooking with) Herbs is the topic for the Club’s next meeeting, on May 18th at 7:00 pm, at St. Stephen’s Parish Community Centre.