Chester, Nova Scotia. Is it really fall?
Many Chester garden club members have been sharing wonderful late season pictures that have both pleased and caused many of the gardener photographers concern. When spring plants bloom in the fall, what happens? Will the plant have more winter stress?
Many gardening experts tell us forsythias, and many of our traditionally spring blooming plants can flower in fall when their normal growing season of later spring and summer puts them under stress. Once fall approaches and the weather fluctuates and then begins to cool and regulate, the outdoor conditions might trick the plants into |”thinking” it is time to flower.
So, we are told, the good news with fall flowers is that it usually is not in full bloom and the buds that do not blossom should not damage our plants.
Lets have a look: click on any picture for a slide show of each group.
Mid September Sandy took a walk and noticed all the beautiful hydrangeas blooming around the village.
Sandy also noted a few interesting things at home in Chester.
Sandy tells us, for the past few years, Ramapo has been blooming in the fall. If it does so, it doesn’t have a great show the next spring, reminding us rhododendrons set their buds before winter.
Jane W, was both surprised and pleased with a self seeded nasturtium … look at it go. Have a look at other late colors in her garden.
Marion and Barry have created a wild area. The Painted ladies seem to be content with the plan.
Sheila KMR shares what has been happening in her garden.
Brenda also shares a few thrillers from early October.
Soon we will have to admit it is fall and start… our next post –
“Putting our Gardens To Bed”.
0 Replies to “Chester, Nova Scotia. Is it really fall?”
An unusual warm Fall for sure.
What wonderful pictures and a fitting narrative, especially on a blustery Winter day. Happy holidays all.