Heavy-duty Pruning: Don’t try this at home

Heavy-duty Pruning: Don’t try this at home

Responding to a note in the last blog about not having any images of pruners at work, Sandy Dumaresq sent along this photographic gem. Three hardy souls are observed as they perform serious surgery on a lovely mature magnolia that had been moved to the Club’s own Cove Garden back in December 2006. The pruning was the first step in a rehabilitation process that, sadly, did not produce the hoped-for results.

Faithful readers will remember the unfortunate saga, the experiment in optimism in which the tree was rescued from certain doom under a developer’s backhoe, and was then transported from its home base to the new spot in the faint hope that it might survive in its new location. (see the blog dated April 11, 2007, in the “View entire blog” menu.) Despite heaps of water, fertilizer and professional advice, the tree did not survive and had to be removed in 2009.

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