Into the New Year

Into the New Year

Back in residence after a two-week holiday trip and I find that the snow has disappeared although the ground is frozen solid.  Even the hardiest of perennials has given up and will wait it out until spring! Luckily, several indoor plants are still in bloom and the reliable old poinsettias provide a welcome splash of colour even though we are past the festive season. Those in the second photo, a window setting, are a mix of poinsettias from 2010 and 2011, a Christmas cactus, and a “Mexican hat” plant (which I’ve been advised is Kalanchoe Daigremontiana in correct botanical terminology).

New Guinea impatiens

Our garden club doesn’t have any official activities planned for January but members are delighted to hear about the forthcoming book launch of one of our local garden experts. In a happy coincidence, the book is a compendium of tips and strategies for just the sort of gardening  that can be done when frosty weather is the norm.  Niki Jabbour – gardener, writer and radio host – has mastered the technique of gardening in all seasons and shares this knowledge in her new book ” The Year-Round Vegetable Gardener.”

A cheery combo

Of course, it may be a little late to get started preparing the ground for her techniques this winter but we’ll have more information about her tips and the book itself following the launch on  February 4th.

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