Looking Ahead to September 19

Looking Ahead to September 19

Since posting the last blog, which favoured white blooms as a refreshing accent among the many golden-hued flowers that seem to come into their own at this time of year, I have been reminded of the many reds and crimson colours that are still appearing in local gardens.  The rose-coloured glads on the right, with such a delicate shading in the throat, came as a delightful surprise when the plant bloomed last week.  The bulbs had been saved from the previous year and set out a little late, in an area of the garden that did not receive as much sun as would have been beneficial, and so the blooms have opened only in September, far too late for the club’s Flower Show. 

As you may have guessed, the photos in this post are included here merely to catch a reader’s attention. The main purpose of this post is to publicize the Chester Garden Club’s first meeting of the fall season, to be held on September 19.
The format of this event will be slightly different from the usual. Members and guests will first meet at 6:30 pm in the Cove Garden, Water Street, for the dedication of a plaque honouring Mickie and Rudy Haase for their life-long interest in ecology and their commitment to preserving natural spaces from destruction by over-development. The plaque is a joint effort by the Garden Club and a local group called Friends of Nature, which is active in increasing public awareness about environmental issues, and which includes a number of garden club members in its roster.
Following the dedication, members will proceed to St Stephen’s Parish Community Centre for a plant sale (perennials), refreshments and a short business meeting to prepare for the forthcoming fall session.

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