Strawberry Tea: a local tradition

Strawberry Tea: a local tradition

Continuing a pleasant summer tradition, our neighbouring garden club (Basin Gardeners) held a successful afternoon garden tour combined with a strawberry tea in early July. Ticket holders were invited to visit four private gardens  and then to enjoy a delicious strawberry shortcake and cup of tea, under sunny skies on one of the  properties.  Visitors saw a variety of landscapes, including perennial borders, shrubbery beds and vegetable gardens.

With the temperature hovering around 27 ° C, the shady canopies that had been erected over the tea tables were much appreciated by all garden visitors.

Despite the heat and lack of rain in recent days, several gardens had a good display of roses such as Navy lady and the New Dawn roses below, and the American Pillar roses climbing on the trellis. 
Rosa Navy lady
Rose New Dawn

American pillar rose

An informal approach to the touring and the tea made for a relaxing afternoon and a chance to catch up on the news with friends.

ASweet William and Heuchera Palace PurpleAlthough the roses were a special attraction,  more modest flowers such as Sweet William and Heuchera Purple Palace were also on display. As for the participants, a strong sun and high temperature brought out a variety of hats.

[Thanks to Myra and Sylvia for all the photos]

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