Tag: Contrasting climates

A Tale of Two Climates

A Tale of Two Climates

2015-03-20 10.50.01
Snow banks keep growing as the plows return to clear roads after each storm.

Along with our neighbours throughout Atlantic Canada, residents in the Municipality of Chester have been subjected to record-breaking snowfalls and cold temperatures this winter. Most residents were obliged to grin and bear the vagaries of disrupted schedules of work, school, and entertainment, but a few lucky Garden Club members (including Joan and Sylvia) were among those able to head out of the region for a few weeks holiday in more temperate lands. The following photos illustrate the contrast between shoveling/slipping on icy roads at home and enjoying the lush growth of a semi-tropical climate while soaking up the warm rays of Florida sunshine. Although the plot is thin, these photos tell the tale of two very different climates.

Florida driveways are flanked by greenery, including this Bird-of-Paradise plant.
Multi-hued Bromeliads add welcome colour.


Hibiscus blooms in mid-February are a real treat.
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A delicate orchid on rough rock.










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In Nova Scotia, two snowstorms within one week was a bit much.


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A rural mailbox peeks out from a roadside mess left by a plow.










A magnificent old tree, sedate on a green lawn, is entwined by Strangler Vines.


Naples front yards are typically host to a variety of shrubbery.







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Orchids were blooming in Naples Botanical Gardens.
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Orchids come in so many shapes and colours.


A master builder creates a magical sand-castle on the Naples Bay beach.



In early morning, birds and walkers enjoyed an almost empty beach.







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Meanwhile, Chester area residents “enjoyed” yet more snow.
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Looking out from a kitchen was made difficult because of the snow blocking the view.
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The Hibiscus plants were in glorious colour.


This orchid was part of a display at the Naples annual orchid show and sale.




















2015-02-14 15.03.30
The Botanical Gardens has a special corner for orchids.
A palm tree is upstaged by Frangipani blossoms that have leaned into the frame.
house orchid
The Chester gardeners had several orchids to care for in-house!



A peaceful dock in a quiet harbour









A seafood lunch with friends at a “water table”.










Memories are made stronger by sharing, whether it is commiserating about the high snowbanks or reminiscing about warm days on the beach.  In Chester, all evidence to the contrary, Spring has officially arrived.  Soon, even the snow will be a distant memory but, for some, there will also be great memories of  sun-downers and palm trees.
