From the left, Hon. Gerald Keddy, MP, Maggie Copas, Allen Webber, Warden of Chester Municipality, Denise Peterson-Rafuse, MLA
Volunteer Week in Nova Scotia is a spring-time tradition by which communities honor the many volunteers who give of their time and talent to support a wide variety of causes. From small town Volunteer Fire Departments, to sports organizations for youth, to artisan groups that teach heritage crafts, the motivation is: “Volunteers Make It Happen”.
Among those recognized for dedicated service by the Municipality of Chester last week was Maggie Copas, nominated by Chester Garden Club. Maggie, age 86, has been an active member of the club for over 50 years, serving for over a decade as correspondence secretary and later as a loyal volunteer for many club activities, including maintenance of the two public gardens in the village, planning and working at the annual flower show, and many other events. She has also been a keen supporter of the arts and is a long-time member of her church choir. [photo submitted by an anonymous CGC member]

Spring also brings a welcome flood of blossoms, such as this Star magnolia pushing its way up between two houses in the village and, below, a clump of Primulas after a light rain. In a curious anomaly, rain has been in short supply this spring; not something expected in a maritime climate.

The tulips in the bottom photo add a bright spark of colour, heralding spring in Herb’s garden. [Thanks to Sandy and Herb for the photos.]

In other news this Spring, club members are preparing for their Annual Gardeners Sale, to take place on May 26 (see the menu bar above for information). Before that date, however, it’s “all hands on deck” for a weeding and pruning session at the Parade Square garden on April 30, and a second work party at the Cove garden on May 5. In early June, many members will travel to Wolfville, for the annual convention of the Nova Scotia Association of Garden Clubs (NSAGC). Each member of registered garden clubs will be eligible to receive a rhizome of a Siberian Iris “Ruffled Velvet” (see below) courtesy of the NSAGC.
Meanwhile, members are busy catching up on spring chores in their own gardens. Unwanted weeds have quickly sprouted as a result of a couple of days of light rain, and winter debris must be cleared away, but compensation comes in the form of glorious colours of plants currently in bloom – Daffodils, Scilla, Tulips and Primulas. Forsythia and Star Magnolias are also in full regalia this week. They are all forerunners of the many delights awaiting Chester gardeners in the coming months.