The club’s Annual General Meeting, held on November 16, was preceded by a presentation made by Don Gimby, store manager at Lee Valley Tools Ltd., in Halifax. Don brought a large sample of pruners for display, both the by-pass type and the anvil type. He noted that pruners should only be used on green wood, and that loppers should be the tool for harder, dead wood. Among the features that differentiated the various pruners were a swivel handle, a sap-cleaning ridge, and a ratcheting device that provided a mechanical advantage to the user whose hands weren’t strong. As he demonstrated the special features of each pruner, Don emphasized the importance of trying the different handles before buying, to ensure that you get the one that’s best suited to your particular hand size and grip. He also discussed maintenance, cleaning and sharpening of tools.

Following a short break for refreshments, the meeting was called to order and the business of the AGM ensued. In her president’s report, Brenda Garland stated that, since 2008, the club has achieved three goals: increased membership, successful fund-raising for the 70th anniversary project, and continued support of the two community gardens in Chester. She then noted that the club would have an additional focus in the next two years: preparation for, and hosting, the NSAGC’s annual convention in 2011.
Reports from the treasurer and the various committee chairs provided evidence of a busy and productive year. In addition to furnishing a roster of interesting speakers throughout the year, committees organized a Gardener’s Sale in May and the annual Flower Show and Tea in July, which brought in much-needed funds to support the work of the club. The largest expense in 2009 was the renovation of the Cove Garden, which was the club’s gift to the municipality to mark both the 250th anniversary of the founding of Chester and the club’s own 70th anniversary. Earlier blogs have documented the work at the Cove Garden: digging and repair of the drainage system, creation of a new path and subsequent re-sodding to restore the lawn. Although some funding for the work was received from the municipality, the financial burden on the club was substantial and more expenses will be incurred when the fruit trees are planted next spring.
After nominations for the new board were approved, Sheila Knowlton-MacRury took over the chair as the club’s new president. She presented Brenda with a lovely bouquet on behalf of the membership as thanks for her terms in office, and then completed the business of the meeting. Members were also reminded of events coming up in December: the traditional hanging of lights at the bandstand on November 28th and the Christmas social on December 4th.
