Month: May 2019

Spring Reminders …

Spring Reminders …


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At home the cardinals, tree swallows, song sparrows and many others, have been waking us around 5am with a beautiful chorus. It is a wonderful way to greet each day. Many are nesting close by, some in the rough areas left for them, others in trees and shrubs and some in recently cleaned nest boxes.





On Mothers Day I, along with my son and husband hiked along Snake Lake trail in Kejimkujic National Park. This trail cuts through a wide range of forest, some old growth with varied and interesting undergrowth. During our approximately 2 1/2 hour hike we observed many native plant species under the beautiful canopy. Soon, the Friends of Keji will begin to monitor the endangered species, in some instances helping with habitat restoration and protection.





Friends, in spite of the recent extended cold and rainy weather are finding their gardens have encouraging spring blossoms.





Faithful Chester Garden Club volunteers have begun the annual pruning and tidying at the Cove Garden. Throughout the summer members help maintain this garden, which is owned by the club.


Members, who are tending their own gardens, are also busy getting ready for the annual Gardeners Sale scheduled for next Saturday at what is known as The Old Chester Train Station on Highway #3 – 9am to 12 noon. This is an annual event looked forward to by both the participants and community.

Many of the same members are also getting ready for and looking forward to other garden club summer commitments: Garden Maintenance, Garden Tours, The Annual Flower Show and tea, and the annual member Summer Pot Luck.

Am I making you tired? Step outside as it gets dark this evening. Listen.. The spring chorus of Peepers has begun and is hard to ignore. These thumbnail-sized tree frogs have left their woodland hibernation sites and are now perched on grasses and sedges at the edge of ponds or roadside ditches where the males call mates with a shrill “peep peep peep”.

Spring Peeper


You will likely hear hundreds before you will ever see one.

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