Photographing Nature
Guest Speaker Jill Jeddrie was warmly welcomed by Esther Amiro at a recent meeting of the Chester Garden Club. Jill used beautiful photos projected from her computer to illustrate her remarks about what she looks for when photographing nature.
A short business meeting followed Jill’s presentation and the members in attendance were delighted to receive healthy slips of Brugmansia that had been potted up by last month’s speaker, Susan Davis, of the Risley greenhouses as a gift to members of the Garden Club. Membership has its privileges!
Bloom Day North for March
Due to technical difficulties (your blogger being out of the country and working on a substitute computer) this month’s Bloom Day North post for Chester is rather limited. The photo below was taken by Sandy D. and shows some of the blooms on a witchhazel (Jelena), stretched in front of the evergreen leaves of a rhododendron.