Tag: beauty bush

A Bouquet for Canada Day

A Bouquet for Canada Day

A particularly rainy spring, followed by a brief heat wave that was followed more rain, has produced wonderful growth in Chester gardens.  Thus it seems appropriate that we celebrate Canada Day with a selection of flowers now in bloom in our area: our Canada Day bouquet.

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An old-fashioned peony that bears a lovely fragrance when brought into the house.

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Many local gardens feature Irises, and both the Siberian and bearded varieties are showing their colours. DSCF6964

Perennial poppies, too, have been making a show. The orange one below is a  Spanish (Rock) variety. DSC_8521 - edit

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A band of tall straight perennial poppies contrast with the twisting branches of a hamamelis contorta

DSCF6972DSC_8555 - edit Early varieties of day lilies are beginning to open, and old favourites like foxgloves and spiderwort are making their appearance but the rosa rugosas and peonies are looking quite bedraggled because of the rain.

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Tradescantia “Sweet Kate” (spiderwort)
Foxgloves claim their corner amid a few other strays in a neglected garden bed



Flowering shrubs are part of the picture. The arching branches of a Beauty Bush (Kolkwitzia amabilis) laden with blooms, at right, contrast with the light feathery foliage of a dappled  willow (Salix integra, Japanese) below.

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And finally, at the bottom, two Weigelas, both a little the worse for wear due to heavy rainstorms. These photos present a small sample of current garden blooms. Honeysuckle, lupins, dogwoods, Explorer roses, pink spirea, and others now also in bloom may fit in a future post.


Whatever the weather in your area, we hope fellow Canadians will enjoy celebrating Canada Day on July 1st, preferably near a garden!

And a shout-out to our neighbours, the Americans, whose national holiday falls on July 4th.

Thanks to Herb for many of the above photos.