Seasonal Garlands
December 1st dawned clear and cold, with a brisk wind, but Garden Club members were not deterred. The annual greening of the village bandstand is one of the traditional tasks undertaken by the club as part of its commitment to help beautify Chester, and a dozen cheery souls braved the weather to fulfill that promise.

Evergreen boughs and strings of coloured lights were tied securely to the railings of the bandstand.

Fingers are numb with cold but smiles are warm and the chatter goes on as Jocelyn tries to line everyone up for a group photo.

Sylvia brings out her smart phone to take one last photo, showing the bandstand decked out in all its finery.
Then the photographers call it quits and everyone heads for Heather’s to warm up with mulled wine and hearty soup.
[Thanks to Jocelyn and Sylvia for the photographs.]