Tag: ice pans

Changing Winter Light

Changing Winter Light

Like much of the north-east sector of our continent, Nova Scotia has been subjected to extremely cold weather in the past week. In fact January has seen a continuation of the fluctuating temperatures that have produced alternating periods of freezing and thawing.  The variable skies and the difference in light due to the lower angle of the sun at this time of year both influence the photos taken in winter; they have a different look from those of summer. The photo below was taken three weeks ago, during a crisp clear January day when even a saltwater cove was  iced over.

Ice-covered cove in February
An ice-covered inlet on a clear cold day

A week later, rain and milder temperatures had resulted in a massive thaw that produced interesting changes as thin ice pans floated on the still water.

Overcast winter light
Overcast winter light
Reflections on a cloudy day

The mosaic patterns created by tidal changes affecting the ice pans continued to shift after the clouds cleared and the sun had brightened the landscape.

The same scene after the sun has broken through the clouds

Last week’s milder temperatures and sunny skies brought a temporary end to the ice but now we are back to snowy roads and an ice-covered cove.  Such is winter along the coast of rural Nova Scotia. Gardening will have to wait.

Snow-covered bushes