Tag: Siberian iris

Rain Can’t Wash Out Spring’s Colours

Rain Can’t Wash Out Spring’s Colours

In our part of the country we may be setting a record for the amount of rainfall this spring but, on the up-side, things have seldom grown so fast.  The plants are taller and the greenery is greener, and we can still find spots of colour under cloudy skies.

Papery-thin petals of a tree paeony slowly unfold.
Papery-thin petals of a tree paeony slowly unfold.
An Azalea “flame” shares a border with a “Bridal Wreath” Spirea.
This peach-coloured Azalea has a lovely fragrance to match its delicate colouring.
As the season moves on, the lilacs are already beginning the transition from blossom to seed pod.
As the season moves on, the lilacs are already beginning the transition from blossom to seed pod.
This Rhododendron with its creamy blossoms is an unidentified specimen from the late Captain Steele's collection.  eye
This rain-spattered Rhododendron is an unidentified variety obtained from the late Captain Steele.
Siberian irises add a bold splash of purple to the ever-present greenery.
Siberian irises add a bold splash of purple to the ever-present greenery.
Kerria japonica produces double buttercup-like flowers, rather like pom-poms.

These plants are a sample of the many varieties now in bloom in Chester gardens despite the unusual weather patterns we’re experiencing this spring.  Anyone looking for more exotic garden species, might do well to attend the next meeting of Chester Garden Club, on June 17th, when the guest speaker will be giving a presentation on Orchids.  For details, check out the poster on the Current Activities page of the blog.