A Most Enjoyable Christmas Party
Continuing the tradition of holding a pre-Christmas pot-luck party in lieu of a regular meeting, the members of Chester Garden Club met recently at a cosy home overlooking the bay.
Hostess Margaret was ably assisted by Sharon and Nancy, who helped set out the array of goodies brought by each member. In addition, members donated non-perishable items as contributions for the local food bank.
Past-president Brenda and Robert were among the early arrivals and were ready to greet members and guests, and help serve drinks.
Heather is all smiles as she heads for the food table and sees that one of her favourite dishes is still available.
Good humour is always in evidence at a Garden Club party but, in this case, does it have anything to do with the angle of a wine glass? Sylvia, Jane, Ted and Barb are havng a good time.
Wine and food encourage conversation and members do not restrict themselves to horticultural topics. Moving around the conversational groups one could hear wide views on politics, weather, travel and more. Sylvia and Alex enjoyed comparing notes about their dogs.
Oh! My tired feet! After all that standing it’s good to sit down, but there’s still lots more to talk about. Anna, Barb, Mavis and Joy settle in to hear the latest news. Eventually, after coffee and even more (just a wee taste!) dessert, the members and guests gradually began to gather their belongings and depart. A few stayed on to help Margaret with the clean-up, and everyone who attended agreed that it had been a wonderful evening, and offered their thanks to a gracious hostess.