A Snowy Landscape
At the risk of having this garden blog turn into a weather report, I’m including some more photos of Chester’s winter face, following yet another freak weather event. After an unseasonably warm day one day last week, a storm blew in from the southwest bringing a mixed bag of precipitation.

Although the forecasters had been calling for mostly rain for our area, we got a healthy dose of snow, drizzle and more snow. The temperature then fell rapidly and the result was a wonderland of frosty surfaces –snow-crusted fences, sparkling ice-covered trees and, (but less welcome) a few rather icy roads. The evening after the storm was deceptively calm, and the sky was a delicate pink.

Because our temperatures are usually moderated by our proximity to the sea, daytime temperatures normally melt away such decorative frosting but cold days and clear skies overnight have kept the frosting on trees and bushes in place for several days.

Even bright sunny days are no match for the below-freezing temperature but the pristine look of snow in a country or coastal setting makes for a great photo (thanks to Sandy for submitting her pix of the village waterfront).

The Chester Yacht Club is snug up against a seawall, with floating wharves pulled well above the high-tide line. The village slopes up above it and extends along the shore to either side.

And, as we close out this post, we wonder what tomorrow’s weather will bring…