Annual Flower Show and Tea – Part 2
As a follow-up to part 1 (posted on July 28th) this post includes several galleries of photos that show the range of entries in this year’s Flower Show. Over 100 horticultural specimens were entered in the competition and about 125 exhibits were entered in the Design classes. The theme – “Hats Off” – provided scope for exhibitors to salute various institutions in and around the Chester area, including historic buildings, artistic centres and sporting venues. Trophy winners are shown in the third gallery below.
Most of the classes were open to members of the public as well as to garden club members but two classes that presented particular challenges were restricted to members only. For one, a surprise package of five objects was handed out weeks in advance to adventurous members who were instructed to combine them in an oriental arrangement for the show. A second challenge was offered in Class 40 where members were asked to create a flower hat on a mannequin form. Imaginations took flight and produced the fashions seen in the next gallery.
Judges awarded ribbons for first, second and third place winners in both the horticultural and design classes but a number of trophies were also handed out on behalf of the club by Heather, CGC president. Heading the winners’ list, with four trophies, was Myra Knight, who picked up awards for Best Wildflower design, Best Specimen, Best in Show, and the President’s Award for the ‘Members Only’ design category. Sisters Anne Baber and Lynne Waymon joined forces to earn an award for Best Use of Roses in an interpretive design (Ed: see the intricate work on the bride’s head-dress, in the second gallery), and they were also awarded the Club’s trophy as winners of the Popular Choice vote. Jane Wilkins again took home the Best Annual Sweet Peas award; Jocelyn Cameron received the Janet Piers Award for Best Arrangement with a Water Feature; Sean Griffin was presented with the Novice Best in Show; and Gwyneth Benoy won an award for the Best Indoor Plant. In the children’s classes, Silas Hume won the McAlpine Trophy; Alison Noah won the Wilkins Cup and Isabelle Jabbour took the Beginner’s Trophy.
Following the presentation of trophies, Cynthia and Danielle proceeded with the draw for the raffle of the six special hooked rugs that had been on offer for several months. The winner was Pat Pringle. Then, on behalf of the Flower Show and Tea Committee and the Chester Garden Club Board, MC Brenda thanked Cynthia whose skill in chairing the committee had been instrumental in its success. By five o’clock, the visitors had departed and, as the exhibitors began to dismantle their masterpieces, some were already thinking ahead to next year’s show, which will take place during the Club’s 75th anniversary year.
0 Replies to “Annual Flower Show and Tea – Part 2”
FANTASTIC JOB…great explanations and wonderful pictures…thanks