Bloom Day North in February

The tradition of collecting posts featuring photos of plants in bloom on the 15th of the month, from different parts of the USA, started five years ago and the Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day project now attracts 126 participants from North America and abroad. The project is hosted by maydreamsgardens, which is where the garden bloggers share their posts on the 15th of each month, and where you can check out the web addresses to follow up on these posts.
As a newbie blogger back in 2010, Chester Garden Club began to follow the tradition of posting photos on the 15th but, noting that the other bloggers were either professional garden writers or had commercial interests, we have not added our site to the list. Nevertheless, today we are honouring the Bloom Day spirit by featuring a few Calluna vulgaris and Ericas that are just now beginning to show signs of life in local gardens, even if they are still surrounded by a light cover of snow.

Chester Garden Club’s next meeting will be held on February 20th, with guest speaker Logie Cassells, an enthusiastic promoter of the cultivation and varied uses of Haskap berries.