Bloom Day North, June 15
Gardens in the Chester area have virtually exploded in a riot of colour this spring, with many plants blooming well in advance of their usual appearance.
Gardeners in our area have been hard-pressed to keep up with the weeding and pruning required to maintain some sort of order in their gardens. The following photos are a sample of some of the plants in bloom on June 15th in your blogger’s garden,
in the Municipality of Chester.

Gardeners in our area have been hard-pressed to keep up with the weeding and pruning required to maintain some sort of order in their gardens. The following photos are a sample of some of the plants in bloom on June 15th in your blogger’s garden,
in the Municipality of Chester.
Lupins are prolific in hedgerows and ditches in Nova Scotia at this time of year, and a few find their way into even the most fastidious garden properties.
Foxgloves, honeysuckle, perennial poppies, clematis, bearded iris, rosa rugosa and wisteria are all bursting forth with colour, attracting hummingbirds and insects.

These photos provide a glimpse of the many colourful plants in bloom around Chester as we mark Bloom Day North this month. The Chester Garden Club’s next meeting will be held on Monday, June 21, at the usual location. For details, please click on the link “Program of Events” on the right-hand side of the blog.

Looking ahead, the club’s annual Flower Show and Tea will be held on July 29th. Details of the requirements for entering exhibits in the show can now be found by clicking on the link for “Flower Show Schedule”. Check it out. It’s not too early to begin thinking about what plants you might incorporate in your entries, (along with any possible artifacts you might want to use to enhance a composition).