Bloomday May 15, 2010
Bloom Day in Chester went unreported by your blogger due to a preoccupation with other activities. She did, however, take photos on the 15th and this blog contains a representative selection of her photos from the Chester area, with additional photos by Sandy Dumaresq.
The first fragrant scent of lilacs brings back memories of childhood bouquets brought to school, with the best of intentions, as gifts for teachers, despite the fact that many of those “arrangements” had wilted long before the teacher could put them in a vase.
The ruby blooms on the Japanese quince, above, have already been visited by this season’s newly arrived hummingbirds. It’s now time to get the feeders operational.
The relatively cool weather during the last two weeks has helped extend the season for many daffodils. Forsythia and Indian Pear trees are also making a showy display in gardens and along roadsides at this time of year.
And to top off the list of our May Bloom Day gallery, the azaleas and rhododendrons are coming into bloom in Chester.
Above, a Landmark rhododendron (Ginny Gee) opens its delicate blossoms to the strong spring sunshine.

The Garden Club blog invites all members to share their garden photos via this blog. Send them to the club’s e-mail address (at the top of this page). The next meeting of the Club will take place on Monday, May 17th, at St. Stephen’s Paris Community Centre. For more information on the Club’s activities, check the links on the side panel of this blog.