Following Chester Garden Club’s recent Annual General Meeting (a brief but informative presentation of reports), members gathered around work tables where evergreens and a variety of decorative ‘add-ons’ were available to one and all for the purpose of creating individual table decorations for the holidays. The next event will take place on November 28th when Club members will turn out to decorate the village Bandstand with evergreen boughs and Christmas lights.
Heather presented Herb with a colourful plant as a “thank you” for his many years chairing the Gardener’s Sale.
Jocelyn had brought a wide assortment of floral materials in preparation for leading the informal workshop.
Participants gathered for the instructions, many having already picked up a red mug to use as their container.
Pam got down to business early by spearing a chunk of Oasis (TM) for her container.
Serious discussions preceded each first step.
Concentration was the order of the day.
It was ‘hands down’ a fun event.
Jayne C. was all smiles as she worked on her design.
Jane W. casts an approving eye as Sheila and Jeannie begin.
Sylvia opted for a delicate spray.
Sheila went for a more elaborate design, using a larger container.
Cynthia loved her red mug.
Finished arrangements were lined up for judging.
Some more exuberant entries were on a second table.
Floral arrangements included evergreens, holly, dried flowers and decorative items.
The winning entry incorporated lovely white shells along with variegated foliage and berries.
Nancy praised all the arrangements before awarding the evening’s prize to Jayne.