Coast to coast
Following a holiday, cruising up the “wet coast” (from British Columbia to Alaska) with lots of land tours as well, your blogger has returned to sunny Chester, where summer really does mean shorts and sandals. Despite the lack of sunshine in Alaska, the trip was a great experience and your blogger now has a much better understanding of the history of the area as well as the flora and fauna of the region. We did have some luck with the weather, as shown in the above photo of Mt McKinley, located in Denali National Park. The tallest mountain in North America, it is often shrouded in heavy mists. Here, it towers far above a single cloud.
Back on the east coast, Chester was spared the worst of Hurricane Bill’s wrath (August 23) and his weaker brother, tropical storm Danny, on the following weekend. The rain was needed after a spell of very hot weather that had dried out the soil (according to neighbour’s reports), and little damage to flower beds was apparent when your blogger returned to Chester. Whatever the weather, the colourful fish in the pond continue to thrive. They survive even Chester winters, under thick ice.