Convention 2011 Update: Greenhouse Tour
Looking ahead to many sunnier and warmer days, many NSAGC members are planning to attend the annual Convention in June. The program and registration form are available by clicking on the link under “Events”, at the right-hand side of the blog.
In this posting, we hope to clear up some questions that have arisen about the procedure for attending the Risley Greenhouse Tour, as listed on the Convention 2011 Registration Form. Please note: The tour is available only to those who have registered for the Convention. Tickets for the tour will cost $5.00, and are payable at the time of registration, at the Atlantica Hotel and Marina Oak Island, in Western Shore. The tickets will include free bus transportation to and from the greenhouses in East Chester. Registrants who live in the Chester region and prefer to take their own cars must purchase their tickets in advance from Marion Daniels, who may be contacted at We hope that this information is helpful. The hosting clubs are looking forward to a full and exciting Convention and hope that many gardeners from around the province will be able to attend.