Flower Show and Tea: part one

Flower Show and Tea: part one

The Chester Garden club hosted another successful Flower Show and Tea on July 28, and the organizers were delighted with the response from members and the general public. Shown, as they gathered in the kitchen before the doors opened, are a few of the organizing members: Barb Munroe, Brenda Garland, Heather McKinnon, Sheila Soestmeyer and Kay Bollivar.

Exhibitors’ entries were accepted until 10 AM, when the doors to the hall were closed to allow the judges a tranquil setting in which to examine the exhibits.  Clerk Anna Stevens is shown enjoying a tea with judge Jennifer Niemi, following the judging. 
The second judge was Jana Fejtek, who was assisted by clerk Myra Knight, seen in the photo below in conversation with Jane Wilkins and Cynthia Spraggs. 
The first visitors came in a special bus from Shoreham Village, and were able to maneuver their way around the tables in walkers before the main crowd arrived.
Attendance numbered well over 160 during the four hours that the show was open to the public. On entering, visitors were greeted with a vast array of tables covered with a spectacular variety of plants. 

The tables were labelled according to the particular class or design section, and the arrangements were clearly identified by exhibitor’s name with any winning tags prominently displayed.

Back in the kitchen, volunteers were preparing plates of sandwiches and cakes, making tea (both traditional hot tea and the iced version), and generally keeping the food assembly moving. The volunteer dishwashers played a big role too.
Whimsical entries, such as these including sailboats, were part of the competition.
The horticultural specimens class proved once again to be popular with both exhibitors and visitors. Over 100 specimens were entered in this year’s competition.
This completes part one of the posting for the show and tea. More photos of floral designs in various classes, as well as winners of the many trophies awarded, will be posted in the next instalment. 

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