Flower Show Poster
Coming soon to a notice-board or other public space near you, this attractive poster publicizing the Club’s forthcoming Annual Flower Show and Tea. In recognition of the village’s 250th anniversary, this year’s theme is Historic Chester, and the various segments of the design class have been named for historical landmarks or cultural institutions in the area, with a brief note on the background of each. You can check out the information by clicking on the 2009 Flower Show Schedule on the side-bar to the right of this column, and then scrolling down through the pages until you come to Class 2 (Design).
In anticipation of the show, 22 members took part recently in the workshop conducted by Joanne Jellett to illustrate the basics of preparing floral exhibits, as well as some of the finer points of presentation that would be considered by the judges. For anyone interested in entering the flower show and competition, details concerning the specifications pertaining to floral design and also individual plant specimens can be found by clicking on the heading 2009 Flower Show Schedule on the side-bar. Everyone is welcome to enter the competition, and all are invited to partake of the tea.