Flower Show Workshop
In anticipation of the approaching Flower Show, Chester Garden Club’s July meeting focused on techniques for preparing entries in the various classes.
Joanne began the workshop by discussing the factors that judges consider when awarding points for horticultural specimens (Division 1 in the Show). In addition to the requirements that specimens be exhibited in clear glass containers, she gave tips regarding the inclusion (or not) of stems and foliage, and the status of stamens (fresh or beginning to age) in blooming specimens. She also explained the one-third rule of thumb for a tall stem flower: one third each of tight buds, partially open buds, and fully open blooms.
Discussion about changes in the regulations governing the judging along with such tips as the importance of conditioning leaves and flowers in advance were part of the general workshop experience. A number of mannequin “heads” were available for those who planned to enter the Hats Off creative headgear class.
Sidney provided a number of tips concerning preparation of floral elements as she illustrated the techniques she used in creating two sample “hats”, the sort of arrangement that would be entered in class 40 of this year’s show: a flower hat on a mannequin form.
Jane demonstrated the art of creating arrangements in a teacup (class 35 in this year’s show). Instead of the standard florist’s hard-foam Oasis ™ , she used cedar twigs and heather to anchor the tiny flower stems in the delicate china cup. As she worked on the arrangements, she pointed out various points to be considered when conditioning and creating these tiny displays. She also advised exhibitors to bring along a small pair of sharp scissors to the show for final trimming if necessary before handing over the entry.
To conclude the workshop, Sidney created a beautiful little bouquet (an example for class 38) from a selection of wildflowers that she wound together as a posie tied off with raffia streamers. The enthusiastic reaction of Club members to the workshop should translate to a large number of entries in the show, which takes place on July 25th. More information is available by clicking on the menu item at the top of this blog.
0 Replies to “Flower Show Workshop”
Loved your pictures! a great report!
Thanks. It was a very informative gathering.