Gardeners Tour
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Early in the year our president Jayne had a request from another provincial garden club . Many months of planning with the executive and members of Chester Garden Club resulted in a wonderful July 10th Chester area garden tour day for for the 55 + guests who arrived by motor coach from Bible Hill.
On the beautiful Wednesday our guests who arrived in Chester Basin mid morning were joined by Chester Councellor Danielle and District Director Sue. Dainelle guided the tour to Myra’s, the first of four individual members gardens (Myra’s, Claudett’s, Sandy’s and Cynthia’s)
Each of these gardens are special with individual uniqueness in design and plantings.
Thanks to Mr. Risley and Gena, greenhouse manager and staff , the Risley Greenhouse Property was part of the days tour destinations.
The structure, approximately 4500 square ft was constructed for the Risley family apporoimately 15 years ago and is modeled after the formal glass houses at Kew Gardens in England.
The greenhouse is divided into several rooms. Some are dedicated to growing fresh vegetables for the family. Others are dedicated to annuals for transplanting, overwintering bigger planters and tropicals that are dispersed all over the property during the summer. The large center atrium is an oasis of tropical plants.
The greenhouse property boasts a large boarder planted with many trees, shrubs and perennials; gardens with annuals for viewing and cutting, fruits and vegetables wich are harvested for use throughout the year.
The two gardens cared for by a small group of Chester Garden Club members were in pristine condition thanks to those dedicated Garden Club and also Community members.
The trustees of the Cove garden Sheila and Carol provided background information and answered many questions.
Even the walking distances didn’t leave anyone dissapointed. Those who stayed behind enjoyed the parade gardens and ocean scenery.
Following the tour an attractive and delicious buffett supper was enjoyed by Bible Hill Guests and the volunteer committees.
A Wonderful Day for all.