Green Boughs and Lights: a Chester Tradition
The familiar Chester bandstand, facing the Parade Square, is ready for the festive season now that members of the Chester Garden Club have decorated it with evergreen boughs and twinkling lights.
A group of 15 members gathered recently on a sunny Saturday to festoon the railings with the traditional greenery associated with Christmas and the holidays. The weather for this year’s annual trimming of the Chester bandstand was much kinder to the participants than is often the case, and practice having made perfect, the work was done in jig time.
Once the job was completed, everyone proceeded to a nearby venue to warm up while enjoying mugs of mulled wine and nibbling on savoury goodies proffered by the hostess.
The next social event for members of the Club (and their spouses or partners) will be the Christmas party to be held on December 5th. Members are reminded to bring along an item for the local food bank when they attend. Details re the time and place have been circulated previously but any further information can be obtained by contacting a member of the executive committee.