Medicinal Plants

Medicinal Plants

Chester Garden Club’s September meeting was enlivened by guest speaker, Laurie Lacey, whose topic was the use of medicinal properties found in native plants. President Sheila Knowlton-MacRury introduced Laurie as an artist and writer who has spent over 30 years in the study and practice of native medicines.

An engaging speaker, Laurie outlined the many types of plants that have been used with success by native Mi’kmak people over many decades. He told stories of his meetings with Mi’Kmak elders when he was a young researcher and illustrated his talk with slides of many of the plants and trees that are an important part of the medical component of native life.

Laurie is the author of Medicine Walk: Reconnecting to Mother Earth, published by Nimbus. More information about his work can be found on the internet.

October 18 will be a busy day for Club members. The annual fall clean-up of both the Cove Garden and Parade Square will take place on October 18, beginning at 10 AM. All members are asked to help in this autumn ritual. In the evening, the Club will welcome guest speaker Grant Nixon, who will give a presentation on “Photographing Your Garden.” This is a topic dear to the heart of most gardeners and should be of great interest to all members. The meeting is called at 6:30 for 7 PM and will take place at St Stephen’s Parish Community Centre in Chester.

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