Post-NSAGC Convention: Activities Resume

Post-NSAGC Convention: Activities Resume

Following a convention that was deemed successful by all accounts, members of the organizing committee met in early June to review the entire operation, and members of all garden clubs in District 6 gradually returned to their regular programs. The photo below shows some of the Chester Club board members discussing committee reports and plans for the club’s next big event – the Annual Flower Show and Tea, to be held on July 28th. (See information below)
But, in the meantime, the club was faced with moving a large pile of compost that had been delivered to the Parade Square and left for members to spread on the flower beds. Although the volunteer numbers for this job were down, the workers recruited did accomplish the task in a morning’s work
Continuing the tradition of meeting and celebrating around a food-laden table (see photos of most garden club events!), the urge to celebrate the team-work that had made the NSAGC convention such a pleasure to plan for and to carry out, was what brought a number of volunteers together to “break bread” at the local tavern.  

And, in the most recent example of gardeners who enjoy eating and drinking almost as much as digging in the soil, the Chester club members met in mid-June for a tour of a newly renovated garden and a recently restored heritage house owned by our genial host Marc.

[All photos for this blog were contributed by members of the Chester Garden club]
For information about this year’s Annual Flower Show and Tea, with the theme “Chester Gems” , please click on the link on the side-bar of this blog. The information contains details for entry requirements and the schedule of classes (both for design and for horticulture specimens), and can be printed by your computer.    

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