Season’s Greetings
Following the annual meeting in November, with the holiday season nearly upon us, members and guests were treated to an evening of seasonal decoration instruction. Svenja Dee, presented a holiday feast for the senses using almost entirely native materials that she collects from field, forest, from her own and friends gardens and yes, even in highway ditches. Some members were thrilled to take one home and others were inspired to create.
Athough the weather didn’t cooporate, the annual Christmas Pot Luck was enjoyed by those who were able to attend. Myra commented ” Don’t know who made this feast for the eyes. I didn’t need to taste it; I will enjoy it visually over and over.”
Wishes to all for treasured time with family and friends during this holiday season.
0 Replies to “Season’s Greetings”
Thank you Brenda H for another enjoyable blog .. thanks for all the hard work during the year doing this every month always good to Read.