Sold out!
A foggy start to the day did nothing to dampen the spirits of those who attended the Club’s annual Gardener’s Sale on May 30th. Early-bird shoppers arrived before the volunteers had even finished setting up their displays, and the vendors were still unloading their trucks.

Vendors did a brisk business in plants and accessories. Other tables, loaded with plants from members’ gardens and priced according to size and quality, were soon picked over. The early-birds knew what they were doing.
Spirits remained high throughout the morning as friends and neighbours met over the tables, while discusssing the attributes of various plants and picking up the latest news on the local grapevine (pun intended, said she sheepishly). One volunteer was seen leafing through (not another pun- ed.) one of reference books to help solve customers’ queries about specific varieties.
The sale is an important fund-raiser for the Garden Club and an enjoyable event for those who patronize it but, in the end, it’s all about satisfied customers!