Spring Cleaning at the Cove Garden
After a cloudy start, another warm spring day brought out volunteers to tidy up the Club’s own Cove Garden. One group set up their tools beside the rosebed that borders the seawall at the head of the harbour. The photo in the banner above was taken during last year’s spring clean-up, which occurred later in the season when the roses were actually in bloom.
Others stopped to catch up on local news before choosing a patch of garden to weed.
Particular care was taken to ensure that the three young fruit trees planted last year were nicely situated and that the bordering grass was neatly trimmed.
Of course with the warmer weather over the last few days, a healthy crop of dandelions can be seen on Chester gardens and lawns. As a result, today some members found themselves on their knees dealing with these invaders as well as re-setting sod where a bench that was recently moved had left a lasting impresssion.
Dates for your calendar
Club members will be meeting a week earlier than usual in May because of the holiday on Monday of the forthcoming “long weekend”. The guest speaker on May 14th will be Peggy-Anne Pineau, who will talk about her speciality: growing roses in Nova Scotia. The program committee has also indicated that she will bring some plants from her greenhouse for sale to members. The meeting is slated for its usual time – 6:30 for 7 PM – at St. Stephen’s Parish Community Centre .
The club’s annual Gardeners Sale will be held on Saturday, May 26th, and will include quality perennials from members’ gardens and commercial growers, plus shrubs and garden accessories.
Looking farther ahead, the Nova Scotia Daylily Society has announced that it has the honour to be the first Canadian group to hold an Accredited American Hemerocallis Society Exhibition. The event is scheduled for Saturday, July 21st, this summer at the Glooskap Arena in Canning, Nova Scotia. More information on entries, and workshops on how to prepare an exhibit for judging, is available at http://www.nsdaylilysociety.com/Flower_Show.html