Spring Cleaning at the Parade Square
A dozen or so members of the Chester Garden Club were out in force on May 10th, weeding, pruning, and spreading mulch on the beds of the garden at the Parade Square.

Club members should be looking svelte this spring after their strenuous workouts in the “bend and stretch” department.

It was certainly “bottoms up” for many of the members of the Club long before they withdrew for refreshments at noon. The garden has come through the winter with little damage; and the armilllary sphere, which has undergone some repair, will soon be set back in place.
The next event will be the Club’s general meeting, on May 17th, 6:30 for 7:00pm, at St Stephen’s Parish Community Centre. Herb Fraser, a member of the Club, will talk about and demonstrate the advantages of Dividing Perennials.