Spring Notes
We are waking each morning to song sparrows singing and we look out on Crocus, Daffodil, Daphne and other bloomers, a reminder in spite of the cool temperatures that spring is here. There are many spring birds in our yards already and more arriving each day.
As I rake, weed, divide & pot for the upcoming annual gardeners sale at the Chester Train Station May 28th I avoid clearing the rudbeckia and echinacea seed heads. The finches are pleased to have the seeds and I can pot up the volunteer seedlings that sprout.
After carefully cleaning out the next boxes and repairing any damage we gave them and all the feeders good wash with a mild dish soap and a rinse with 1 part bleach to 9 parts water followed by a clear rinse.
The hummingbirds usually arrive here on or about May 8th.

Hummingbird feeders should be washed well each time the nectar is refilled. ( ¼ cup of sugar per 1 cup of water … no food color). If small quantities of sugar water are mixed every day or two, there’s no need to boil the water. But, if mixed in larger batches and refrigerated, then it’s wise to make the mixture with boiling water.
For those who are interested in wildlife friendly gardens, especially gardening to attract birds the web site : https://www.allaboutbirds.org provides many helpful suggestions.