Sprucing up the Parade Square
On a holiday Monday, a few days after producing the Annual Flower Show and Tea, volunteers from the Chester Garden Club were out in force to prune and weed the Parade Square Garden, making it look spiffy for Race Week. This garden is close to one of the gates of the Chester Yacht Club and thus becomes part of the scene for visiting sailors during the summer. Members of the Garden Club felt it was their responsibility to tidy up the area in advance of the influx of visitors.
Pruning overgrown roses and digging up weeds, the group managed to complete the job within a couple of hours. Then ,with a feeling of satisfaction for a job well done, they posed for a group photo [taken by Sylvia McNeill].

The Club’s next event is a social occasion: the summer party, to be held on August 20 in East Chester. Details have been circulated to members.