Straw-bale Greenhouses

Straw-bale Greenhouses

The next meeting of the Chester Garden Club will take place on March 15th, at St. Stephen’s Parish Community Centre on King Street. Members who arrive at 6:30 pm will have time for a coffee and a chat with friends before the meeting begins at 7:00pm. The topic for the evening is Designing and Building Straw-bale Greenhouses.

Guest speaker John Pece will give a short overview of some of the considerations and implications of using this efficient, effective, and environmentally friendly technique to create a warmer environment and extend the district’s growing season.

John working at his own straw-bale drafting table

John’s background includes design and construction of buildings in climates as varied as those of western Canada, the mid-western USA, and Central America. Whether designing for projects large or small, his aim is to create sustainable and efficient buildings.

Following the speaker’s presentation, there will be a short recess for refreshments before the start of the business meeting. Membership in the club is open to anyone interested in gardening, on payment of the annual dues($20 ). More information on the club is available by clicking on the links at the side of this column.

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