Work and Play Make for Summer Fun
On August 9th, some energetic members caught up on weeding the Cove Garden. Lighthearted laughter made for light work and the job was soon done. The following pictures prove that point. Be sure to enjoy a walk through it this summer and enjoy the beauty.
Ten days later, many more members gathered to party at Jayne and Keith Campbell’s home near Deep Cove. The weather was outstanding and the food was fabulous, thanks to the members’ superb culinary efforts. And the setting only enhanced the flavours. You would have been hard-pressed to find a weed in Jane’s well-designed garden. Enjoy the following photos that chronicle this much-anticipated annual event.
These guys are glad they came! Dudley and Susan happily anticipate the banquet. Even clean-up can be fun. Cynthia’s smile lights up the patio as the sun descends. Esther and Joan admire a healthy oriental lily–rare in local gardens this year. Time to catch up on everyone’s news. Eating out seldom proves so comfortable. This pair accurately reflect the evening’s mood. We always have something to talk about. Everyone is all smiles except for that guy in the corner. Dave leaves some food for the rest of us! Every tea cup waits for the tea pot. Keith, out standing in his garden, made an amiable host. Jayne, obviously an experienced hostess, and Jocelyn exchange smiles. Oh dear, too many choices. These lucky dogs take part in the action.
Bonus pictures of Jayne and Keith’s creative garden: