Bloom Day, April 2010
The last few days have brought lower temperatures to the Chester area and thus slowed the rapid growth of plant life we were enjoying. Nevertheless, even on a cool misty morning when many buds remain firmly closed, gardeners can take pleasure in the other “earlier-than-usual” blooms. Here below are some of our photos celebrating Bloom Day north.

Dainty primroses are among the first to show their colours.

These daffodils, nodding under the shade of a large juniper, need more sun to open fully.

Last, but not least, the old reliables – forsythias – return with vigour every year, and provide a cheery splash of colour to the landscape.
Readers are reminded that Bloom Day north is the Chester Garden Club’s attempt to add to the record of seasonal blooms in our area by posting photos of plants in bloom on the 15th of each month. We welcome all submissions, with a promise to try to include your special photos.