More Spring Blooms

More Spring Blooms

On a recent walk at Regatta Point, Halifax, Sandy Dumaresq spotted more spring blooms for our blog. The rhododendron below is one of many that were planted years ago by John T. Meagher, a strong promoter of the species. Although the records for his original tagging system have been lost, it is believed that this early bloomer is a Ruth Wainwright dauricum. A large number of plants from the original plot now survive in a city park created from part of the original neighbourhood. On one side of the road is a monument to the historic Mont Blanc anchor shaft, which landed there after being blown right over the city during the terrible explosion in Halifax harbour in the first World War.

On the other side of the street, there is a small monument to John Meagher, and both the rhodo above and the pieris below were found in a garden at that location. Readers of the blog may be interested to know the relationship among so many of these early bloomers. According to Todd Boland, a contributor to Dave’s Garden website, rhododendrons, azaleas and Japanese pieris are all members of the Ericaceous family of plants, which of course include heaths and heathers (featured in a previous blog)!

A previous blog also mentioned the early appearance of forsythia blooms but omitted to post the evidence. The explosion of colour provided by these golden blossoms is a welcome sight that relieves the otherwise drab landscape at this time of year, especially on a rainy day.

In a shot taken earlier in the week, we see some of the delicate blossoms opening to the sun in a sheltered spot in Chester Basin.

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