In Spring, a gardener’s thoughts…
Grandmother’s garden: many of us remember the lovely old-fashioned plants that grew in our grandmother’s garden, and those memories are often triggered by the familiar scent of certain fragrances that we once experienced in that garden. But what about Grandpa, you ask? Didn’t he enjoy growing pretty things too? Or was he content to let Grandma look after the flowers while he staked the beans and hoed the potatoes? Well, whatever the answer, today’s gardeners include women, men and children, all of whom can now enjoy both the benefits of modern hybrids and the charm of heritage plants.
To encourage gardeners of both genders as they gear up for another season, the Chester Garden Club has scheduled its Annual Gardener’s Sale for May 30th. In a nod to the fact that both the Village of Chester and Chester Garden Club are celebrating special anniversaries* this year, the Gardener’s Sale will have as its focus – Plants from our grandmothers’ gardens. Circle the date on your calendar as a reminder to come to the old train station for a good selection of old and new varieties of plants, as well as decorative and practical garden accessories.
The colourful poster above will soon be seen on notice-boards around the Chester area during the run-up to the sale. Members of the club and a large number of retailers are busy preparing their wares, and they look forward to greeting lots of shopping gardeners during a day of horticultural treats (and, usually, more than a few bargains).
* For those who haven’t heard, in 2009 the Village of Chester is celebrating the 250th anniversary of its founding; and the Garden Club, its 70th!