Talk on Organic Gardening
The Club’s April 20th meeting will feature Gail Logan, from “One Sky Now”, speaking on organic gardening and organic sculptures for your garden. The meeting will be held at St. Stephen’s Parish Community Centre in Chester, beginning at 7 pm. All members are encouragd to attend. Guests are welcome.
Members with any clean, plastic, garden pots to spare are asked to bring them to the April meeting. The pots are needed by the committee that is pottting up plants for the plant sale to be held in May.
For your calendar: At a meeting of the board of directors last week, plans were made to hold the annual clean-up of both the Cove Garden and the Parade Square garden on May 4th. All members are invited to volunteer their time and talents to this event, which includes the usual weeding and pruning required to groom the gardens at the start of the season. A light lunch will be served following the clean-up. Details to be circulated later.