Reflections of “Lest We Forget”
“Lest We Forget “
Flower Shows begin long before the scheduled date. Many gardeners begin by planting very early in order to have a plant in bloom for a show day specimen and / or planned design.
Encouragement and reminders were presented to members and guests at our regular July meeting.

It takes so much thought and planning.
Each year members and community participants combine there abilities to bring everything together to produce a beautiful display. There is a schedule to prepare, a judge needed, trophy’s to polish, tea and sweets to plan and prepare, servers, set up and clean up crews. And most important “Flowers Flowers Flowers” to prepare.
There are “Welcome” flowers and welcome from members.
This year, being the anniversary of the end of the first world war, our show was entitled “Lest We Forget”. The schedule design titles were reminders to all of events during times of conflict. The legion was tastefully decorated with military and war memorabilia.

Members helped as entries arrived and were placed.
The floral arrangements and specimens were especially stunning and entries showed skill in conditioning and preparation during the hot humid weather.
Carol, Pam and Brenda assisted Jana our judge.
Everyone is interested in the childrens entries.
Happy faces were seen everywhere from our youngest entrants and viewers, our guests form Shoreham Village and Bonny Lea Farm, those who would never miss and those who came for the first time.
We were thrilled to have our presidents mother,102 year old Margaret Harris and former president, Peggy McAlpine in attendance. Both ladies expressed their pleasure in viewing the show and meeting not only members but many from the community.
Tea Time.
The Silent Auction helps with Garden Club Community Projects.
A look at the winners from the show. Congratulations.
Thanks to Kay, Esther, Jayne, Katie & Brenda for the photos.