Looking For Inspiration

Looking For Inspiration


Jayne welcomes Niki Jabbour, to Chester Garden Clubs June meeting.

Niki Jabbour, energetic, entertaining and full of inspiring ideas, suggests we all consider plants from all over the world, hardy for zone 6 on the south shore of Nova Scotia.

Niki is the award – winning author of Niki Jabbour’s Vegi Garden Remix, The Year Round Vegetable Gardener, and Groundbreaking Food Gardens. Her work is found in Fine Gardening, Garden  Making, Birds & Blooms, Horticulture, and other publications, and she speaks widely on food gardening at events and shows across North America. She is the host and creator of The Weekend Gardener radio show. She lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia.        


Inspired by family, Niki grows new plant varieties from all over the world, hardy to Nova Scotia’s south shore .


Niki gave us a beautiful visual presentation with suggestions for zone hardy choices “new to us” plants from many different areas of the world.


Chester Garden Club Members and Guests look forward to new reading and also new tastes from Niki’s recommendations.

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