What has Happend – What ‘s Next
June 2018: Some gardening activities have finished and many are yet to come:
Chester Garden Club Gardeners Sale: A special thank you to all who contributed to our annual Gardeners sale.
With such great team work and cooperation we all had a great time and helped to provide the community with good healthy plants for their gardens.
NSAGC Annual Convention held in the South Shore district and hosted by Bridgewater Garden Club was a great success. Watch for a follow up in the July issue of the NSAGC Newsletter. “NSAGC Scotia Gardener”.
June Community event’s reminder:
Saturday, June 9th
Bonny Lea Farm: If you are still looking for quality plants, one of our regular vendors, Bonny Lea Farm where the greenhouse instructor and crew have the plants growing, budding and “blooming beautiful” are holding their “ Annual Plant Sale & Breakfast” on Saturday, June 9th. Doors open at 8:00 and it’s wrapped up at 11:00am.
Saturday, June 16th
Halifax Garden Festival -Victoria Park , next to the Halifax Public Gardens 9am – 4pm. Free seminars with experts like Niki Jabbour, awesome local vendors: plants, seeds, tools, garden decor, face painting, garden crafts for kids & much more.
Saturday, June 23rd
Daylily Daze- Nova Scotia Day Lily Society- 1839 Hammonds Plains Rd. First Baptist Church Hall, 8:30am – 1pm There will be vendors, workshops and presentations and raffles– receive a free daylily -$5 entrance fee.
Saturday, June 23rd & 24th
Fernwood Plant Nursery- Open nursery weekend 10am – 5pm – 215 Conrads Rd., Hubbards, Nova Scotia – over 60 varieties of ferns, from ferns native to eastern North America to hardy ferns from around the world, grow in the collection at Fernwood Plant Nursery.
Chester Garden Club members are now cultivating and planning for the annual Flower Show and Tea to be held in July. We encourage everyone to check out the program.